July Newsletter - IEEE South Africa Section 40 years and more

We are proud to announce that the IEEE South Africa is 40 years this year, following its foundation on 5 August 1977! We plan to run celebratory events – more information to follow.



  • Congratulation to MTT-S South Africa Chapter Officers and volunteers for winning the 2017 MTT Society outstanding chapter award!
    • The Chapter showed an outstanding activity for 2016 and won this very prestigious award. The Chapter receives a plaque, US$1500 and is also recognized at IMS award banquet function of IEEE MTT-S.
  • Congratulations to University of Cape Town Student (UCT) Branch Chair Mr Lindokuhle Shongwe on being selected to participate in the 2017 IEEE Sections Congress to be held in Australia in 11-13 August this year
    • The Congress shows a rainbow of opportunities one can make out of IEEE. A nomination and selection processes were run amongst the leading volunteers of the Section. The panel selected Lindokuhle, following his track record of IEEE activities which included co-organization of/support for 4 IEEE Section/SAIEE sponsored talks, #BreakingTheStereotype Women in Engineering, Hackathon 2016 & 2017, IEEE UAE Student Branch Visit) and membership development (2 sessions with over 130 people).


Activities (co-)funded by Section

  • The UCT IEEE Student Branch hosted a Hackathon on the 20th May 2017.
    • The event had 17 participants, with the bulk being High School students from Thandokhulu High School, Rondebosch Boys High as well as Electrical Engineering students in UCT. The main event took place in UCT, where a quick crash course on Arduino programming, motor control, soldering and how to use a breadboard was given by Jonathan Whitaker. The students where then split into 4 groups of 4/5 people and given the task to build an autonomous line-following robot.
  • Dr Seyi Olokede, IEEE South Africa Membership Development Chair, attended the IEEE R8 membership development (MD) workshop held in Slovakia on 19-20 May 2017 and will now present local MD workshops in South Africa.
  • Darryn Cornish, IEEE South Africa Section Vice-Chair, represented our Section in the Inauguration of the IEEE Botswana Section held at the University of Botswana on 19 May 2017, an event served to both announce the first elected officials of the newly opened IEEE Botswana section and to officially open the section.


Notable mention

  • Membership renewal is half-price for new (to be) members. Please remember to renew, if you have not yet, and invite colleagues to join (ieee.org/join).
  • The cost of membership is effectively recovered when you attend any IEEE conference, thanks to the IEEE membership discounts.
  • IEEE Officers need to submit the L31 reports for the activities which have been run.


Upcoming research conferences open for paper submissions


Other upcoming research conferences (submissions already closed)



Recent events and activities


IEEE offers resources including


We hope you will find this summary useful. Please do not hesitate to tell us (e.g. via http://www.ieee.org.za/contact-us), should you have any questions/comments.

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