Thank you to our volunteers for making the 2018 a great success! As per discussions within IEEE South Africa leadership, the most visible impact has been made by the following volunteers: Upasana Singh (UKZN), David Oyedokun (UCT), Darryn Cornish (WITS),
We have recently been informed of and with great sadness inform the IEEE community about the passing (on 30 November 2018) of one of our esteemed IEEE volunteers Prof. Hendrik Christoffel Ferreira.
Congratulations to the University of the Western Cape on the approval of formation of the University of Western Cape (UWC) IEEE Student Branch!
The Student Branch will enable the UWC access to a wide spectrum of IEEE resources, including student specific resources, and support development of future technology leaders.
Dear Valued IEEE Student members and their Advisors
You have a chance to participate and win prizes (up to USD10000 value) in the IEEEXtreme programming competition (
IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of student members, supported by an IEEE Student Branch, advised and proctored by an IEEE Member, compete in a 24-hour time span, starting on October 20, 2018 at 00:00 UTC (2AM South Africa time) and ending at 23:59:59 UTC, against each other to solve a set of programming problems.
The University of Johannesburg's Centre for Telecommunications and The Information Theory Society Chapter of the IEEE South Africa Section cordially invite you to a round table discussion by Pieter van Rooyen, a successful entrepreneur from San Diego, California (
Workshop "SDN & NFV Impact in the Development of 5G" at CSIR on 18 Sep 2018 and IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lectures at UJ, UP, UCT and SUN on 17-21 Sep 2018
Workshop "SDN & NFV Impact in the Development of 5G" at CSIR on 18 Sep 2018
Please refer to for details and obligatory registration (as the number of seats is limited).
Dear IEEE Members in South Africa,
There is an opportunity to apply for funding from the National Science and Technology Forum (NSTF,, where IEEE South Africa is a member.
The IEEE South Africa Section invites to an IEEE Senior Membership (SMIEEE) Elevation workshops, where experienced senior members of IEEE South Africa Section will assist eligible members with how they can reach elevation to IEEE Senior Member (SM) Grade. Participants will receive an introduction to IEEE, IEEE Senior membership and related processes, as well as hands-on assistance on the application process.
We are inviting key IEEE Senior Members, Fellows and prospective members to an event for the purpose of expediting your application.
South Africa will be hosting the next IEEE Region 8 (R8) Membership Development (MD) workshop intended to equipm our volunteers with the skills necessary for increasing the positive impact of IEEE. Over 30 people, mainly from Africa and also from Europe, Middle East and South Africa, will be attending this wonderful event.
More information is available here.